Post 13 : Ladies in Power

From this chapter, we have learned that gender communication is the discussions between and about people of all genders. What stuck out to me the most while reading this chapter was the beginning where the author talked about how each gender is depicted, describing their stereotypical gender roles society has given them and the fact that these strict gender roles are still in the mindsets of many. One example that the chapter had given was women and sports, and how unusual it would be for women to play in the eyes of society because athletics are restricted to only men. This also relates top many other hobbies and careers in politics, police work, medicine, etc. However, I believe that society is slowly started to deviate from the normalized gender roles and women are actually finding themselves in power. I mean look at Kamala Harris, she is now the Vice President of the United States. While I believe that women still have ways to go before getting the respect and power we deserve, women are becoming bosses, surgeons, politicians, police officers, etc. I see it more and more every day.

When I think about the rise of “lady power”, I think about one of my favorite shows : Greys Anatomy. I have been watching this show for years and I really enjoy it, and it presents its audience with the idea that women can most definitely be in charge. Most of the women on the show are actually the heads of their department at the hospital they work atL Cardio, Neuro, Pediatrics, General, and Ortho all run by female surgeons. In fact, the chief of surgery is not a man, it is a black women named Miranda Bailey. Greys anatomy inspires me every day because it teaches me that us women can get ahead and actually become superiors to men. Women on this show practically run the hospital and it is amazing to watch. It also shows us women that we can be whatever we want, even if the world has told us that it’s only a mans job. Yes, women can be top notch neurosurgeons or run a hospital.

Grey's Anatomy - Here's to all the women on the frontlines. We see you, we  celebrate you, and we thank you 🙏 #IWD2021 #InternationalWomensDay |  Facebook

Post 12 : World Culture Day

The main focus on this chapter was intercultural communication, which I define as the communication between people from different cultures that promotes interconnectedness. I believe that intercultural communication and mastering intercultural skills would be beneficial to our society so that there is less division between communities and ethnic groups. If I am being honest, the only time I ever observe intercultural communication anymore is when people go to restaurants that are based on a specific ethnic food group and the waiter is explaining the menu options to the people that wanted to “try it out”. I think Americans tend to stick to their own values and ways of life instead of exploring, accepting foreign language, or open up to new ideas. This is why I admire the elementary school I went to.

In elementary school, we would have something called World Culture Day where families would come with their tables in which they would decorate with streamers in the color of their native flags, plates loaded with traditional dishes from their origin country, while wearing their culturally-accepted clothes. The purpose of this celebration was to embrace each culture and learn about all the different types of traditions and ways of life. The whole day would be students and families visiting each table, expanding their knowledge and tastebuds to new cultures. It was always so much fun, especially because there would not be any class that day. I think that we need more of these celebrations, possibly on the streets like festivals and flee markets do. This would protect and promote the amazing qualities that a variety of cultures have. Below is an example of what one table would look like at the celebrations.

World Culture Day Celebrations At Lancers International School - Best  Schools in Gurgaon & Top International Schools | Lancers

Chapter 9 : First Dates

The main focus of this chapter is on interpersonal communication, which is defined as the communication between unique individual, typically to get to know each other more. Examples were given of the relationships usually involved in interpersonal communication such as family, friendships, and romantic partners. When I think about all of the elements of interpersonal communication and getting to know someone, described by the Johari Window as arena, blind spot, facade, and unknown, I immediately thought of a first date. A first date contains almost all of these elements because it contains moments where you learn facts about someone you didn’t know about, self-disclose facts about yourself, slowly open up to this person with more personal details, and build on the knowledge of each other.

I remember my first date and it was really awkward at first. I was shy and it wasn’t easy to come up with things to talk about because you don’t want to say too much too quickly. Thankfully, we went to the movies so we didn’t have to speak. However, afterwards, we went somewhere to eat and that is when we started to really talk. I already knew things about him, he already knew things about me, but we started asking each other questions and it blossomed from there. I think there are certain stages of getting to know someone, and it is a process to eventually get close to them. Y ou cannot become so close on a first date, but it is a great opportunity to get to know someone who wants to get to know you. We went from being shy to admitting things about ourselves we didn’t like to telling each other things we hadn’t told anyone before. It was a fun day and a great example of interpersonal communication.

How to Talk to a Shy Girl (with Pictures) - wikiHow